Saturday, October 04, 2008

Liz Update

Elizabeth made it to Chuloteca yesterday. There are only two hospitals and one of them is approved by the Peace Corps. She went to the wrong one and when she inquired about the Peace Corps the doctor thought she was trying to get special treatment because she is an American and yelled at her (grrrrr).

She finally found the right one, the doctor didn't tell her what she had and gave her six prescriptions. She didn't get them all filled ("Did you get the one filled that ends in "cilin", Liz?", "I don't know - I can't look, I'm walking down the street, trying to catch the bus!")

I'm inserting a picture of one of the two hospitals.
I called her last night and woke her up and she sounded miserable. She was insisting on teaching her class today, so hopefully she's feeling better!!! Love you, Lizzie!!! Can't wait til Christmas!


Laura said...

Oh good. I'm glad to know she got some meds. Hope she feels better soon! It's no fun to be sick far away from home.

Lisa said...

Will keep praying for her! You sure have amazing children!