Today is your Guardian Angel’s Feast Day. Say a quick thank you for all the times your angel:
* Kept you out of trouble
* Helped you remember to turn off the iron
* Reminded you of God’s love
* Stayed up all night, pacing and praying, during the times when you thought you were all alone
Our angel, “brings us great help and consolation: they walk at our side and protect us in all circumstances, they defend us from danger, and to them we can turn at any moment. Many saints established bonds of real friendship with the angels, and numerous episodes testify to their assistance on particular occasions. Angels are sent by God 'to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation' as the Letter to the Hebrews says, hence they are a real help to us on the pilgrimage towards the heavenly homeland." Pope Benedict XVI
And may Elizabeth's guardian angel protect her tomorrow as she tries to find a way to the hospital in Chiloteca for what could be either dengue or bronchitis.
Oh poor Elizabeth.......keep us posted!
Oh no... please keep me posted. I will be thinking of her.
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