Friday, August 17, 2007

What A Day

And it's ending with me at the computer, waiting for Mary to come home for her last night, listening to a digital stop watch beeping every 15 minutes because I can't figure out how to deactivate it.

Actually it started yesterday when I realized I had forgotten something VERY important, then sat in a meeting which I was supposed to leave early to attend my boss's boss's boss's meeting - "shit" I said to my staunch Baptist co-worker when I realized I was 30 minutes late. I decided to call in instead of walk in late. So I sat and listened to accolades being given about the woman who replaced me in my old job. Today, after working 3 hours on a powerpoint that crashed without hope of recovery, I decided that the self-pity that I've been trying to overcome is really quite comforting. I've decided to keep it for warmth.

But then I read my kids' blogs and thought I would cry from happiness, and received a phone call from my oldest, sharing about our days and the advice she had given her sister. And I decided that life is indeed beautiful.

One of the things we talked about was how differently God's view of life is - usually exactly the opposite of the world's values. What would the world's Beatitudes be?

Blessed are the rich for theirs is the life of luxury, without having to know of the existence of another world.

Blessed are those who do not suffer, for they shall live life invincibly, in need of no Other.

Blessed are the confident and proud, for they shall evoke fear in the poor of spirit.

Blessed are the thin and beautiful for they shall be lusted after and bedded frequently.

Blessed are the drippingly sarcastic, for they shall remain untouched by piercing truth.

Blessed are the sophisticated, for they shall mimic maturity.

Blessed are those who evoke no criticism, for they shall be popular.

Blessed are those who live life without God, for they shall be called fun.

1 comment:

T said...

wow mom those are great!!!!