Monday, August 13, 2007

Tiger Woods

That man is amazing. The PGA was held in Tulsa this year and it was hotter than blazes out there all week. Temperatures over 100 and heat index 10 degrees higher. Anyway, I read that Tiger is the first golfer to approach golf as a true sport, involving strenuous training and overall fitness. After winning the PGA, bringing his total championship wins to 13 (6 more to go to beat Jack Nicholas's 18), he said in a news conference that his physical fitness was one of the major factors that gave him the winning edge. "I felt as good heading onto the 18th hole as I did on the 1st." Anybody who has experienced a Tulsa summer will understand how amazing that is!

Chris was able to volunteer last week, selling ice cream for a non-profit group. He thought he died and went to heaven! He's really getting into golf since Liz re-introduced him to it. Liz worked at a golf course in Grand Rapids. She and Chris went out a few times when she was here and he's been teeing off ever since. He's pretty darn good too, considering he hasn't golfed in a loonnnnggg time. They talked me into going once and, well, we'll just say that I paid to play, but ended up watching since I was slowing us down so much and there were people behind us. I'm trying to get into this so Chris and I can play together but truly I decided the only thing more boring than playing golf is watching it :) I called Mary at the end and said, "I've been to hell and back" (quoting her comment in a call to her friend Gretchen as we were ending a mile-long hike in the woods a few weeks ago).

Anyway, back to Tiger. An amazing athlete and a true role model. How many athletes can win as much as he does and still have so many people cheering him on to win?


T said...

A mile long hike!!!!! Good Lord Mary, you need to get some exercise woman!

Anonymous said...

wow, theresa you beat me to it. what a contrast,
sarah's 15 hr hike in a third world country, and mary's trip to hell and back. do we really all share the same genes?