Monday, August 20, 2007

The Nest is Now Empty

It was sadder than I thought it would be. I was OK until we reached home and I saw Mary's stuff on the dining room table - remnants of her cutting pictures out and putting them in frames.

Chris cooked a steak dinner for us to celebrate our new beginning as a couple. What a sweet thing to do. I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about HIM going off to college!


Anonymous said...

dont worry mom, i have a strong feeling that the inevitable noble diaspora will lead to the inevitable noble reunion (you could jump start this process by moving to oregon ya know)

Jane said...

I had to look that one up. Diaspora: any people or ethnic population who are forced or induced to leave their traditional homelands.

I don't think we forced y'all, but you're right, we may have induced you. The story of all of us sitting around the dining room table when we're in our 50's/70's might have been the inducement!