I'm not a Hilary fan. I wish Obama had a different stand on a number of issues because I really like his leadership style. I usually vote Republican but the first time I voted that way was in 1980 and Chris had to hold my hand while I checked the name on the absentee ballot - it was traumatic :) I call myself a radical moderate. I'm so tired of the hateful rhetoric on both sides, that I'm in a way intolerant myself! I'm also very purple. Anti-death-penalty, pro-life, anti-war, anti-big-government, pro-traditional-marriage - purple and proud of it.
But anyway, back to the election - and especially Hilary. She's really screwing up - which is so interesting to watch because I've always seen the Clintons as VERY politically savvy. Bill is playing WAY too large a role - even if he was 100% loved by all Americans his role is too large for a former president who is trying to place his wife in the spotlight for her own election. This political cartoon captured what I was thinking so perfectly.

What are they thinking? Plus she's been attacking Obama with the silliest things - like for saying something positive about Reagan. When people see a politician slinging such impotent arrows they end up knowing more about the slinger than the target. Another screw up... she's airing an ad in Oklahoma that criticizes Bush's connection to the big bad oil companies! I predict that will play well with about 10% of the population here.
Anyway, expect more politics as the months go on because it's fascinating me like it hasn't in years. I can't wait to see how silly Guiliani does in Florida - what was HE thinking???
Love you all!
I so can't stand the Clintons...I'
I'm rooting for Obama only becaue I want them out of the picture........but he's just as left as them!...prochoice, pro taxes, which means big goverment...national health care.....NO thank you....but there is no one who is a true conservative on the Republican side....America and we can't come up with better canidates.....how sad.......Love ya Jane.
Jane - oh my goodness you bring back so many memories - Nixon and Kennedy - the first election that really meant something to me. And how funny that Chris had to hold your hand to vote Republican - I vote for the best person and usually I'm wrong - ME
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