Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jesse Trees, Noble Trees, and Family Trees

When the kids come home we end up talking about so many interesting topics. I learn so much. And sometimes I cringe, like when Sarah told me about the 450 party at Swarthmore. She and I are sitting in a coffee shop right now while she finishes a final paper that's due by midnight.

We put up the Jesse Tree today - a pretty nice specimen collected in our own back yard! (There are benefits to ice storms - we usually have to go hunting for just the right one.) We string it with lights, hang it from the ceiling by the windows in the dining room and then, one by one, hang from it symbols of the Old Testament that were precursors to Jesus, the root of Jesse. We found some of the ornaments that the kids had made when they were kids had molded this year - not sure why because we stored them the same way we do each year. Sad.

It's ideally hung up the first Sunday of Advent, but oh well - we just got our tree up too. Putting up the tree on December 18th is actually a Shea tradition because we used to put it up on Mary Ellen's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS!

Sarah arrived home today, following David and Mary who arrived last week. And Theresa comes tomorrow. And Elizabeth Clare whom we talk about constantly because we miss her so much will celebrate Christmas this year with those she is serving through the Peace Corps in Honduras. We talked to her three times in the last three days which is wonderful - she usually only calls once each week or two. She's doing such a great job. WE LOVE YOU, LIZ!


mesc said...

YEAH! Family traditions are the greatest. I wish the Noble's the most wonderful Christmas with everyone thinking great thoughts about Liz. I remember when our parish in Midland had a small group series going and one part of it was to have a group of people form a prayer group to find people to pray for each family in our parish. No one told whom they were praying for - that was between the person praying and God.

It was during a very difficult time for us and I remember one morning really feeling loved and protected and prayed for - I went to one of the people in the group and told her how I felt - she asked when I felt that way and I told her and she got a huge smile on her face and told me she actually was praying for me that morning - she had our family name!

So - I say we all pray for Liz to have a wonderful Christmas - that we hold her close to our hearts all season long. And I know she will feel loved and protected and prayed for too - love ME

Jane said...

That's a wonderful idea!!! Thanks sweetie!