I rejoiced with the rest of the country when I heard we no longer had to fear UBL and his terror campaigns (others, maybe, but not his). But the celebrations bothered me and I didn't know how to explain it. Then I read a comment on a work-related listserv I belong to and decided to post it here because it perfectly sums it up.
Those of you who have attended a seder may remember that one of our traditions is to dip our fingers into the wine glass & remove a drop of wine as each of the plagues is recited. The explanation given for this is that no matter how joyous our triumph may be, we must always remember that we cannot fully rejoice when it comes at the expense of the lives of others - no matter how well deserved that cost may be.
I have been bothered too. When watching interviews of several of the first responders that survived you could see the strain in their faces and one even said he was relieved, not overjoyed.
Many of the people rejoicing were friends and relatives that lost people they loved. I hope their hearts are filled with some peace after first reactions settle down.
The vatican response was very good - I put it on my blog today
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