Saturday, March 07, 2009

PBXVI On the Economy

One thing I really like about Pope Benedict is his habit of gathering priests together for Q&A sessions. What a great contrast to the old days of the papacy where every word is parsed and formal. Recently, in answer to a question about the economy, he made this statement. Click on the "other Vatican officials" link to find a more detailed response from the Archbishop assigned to the U.N.

Earlier the Pope encouraged those who still have jobs to help those who have lost theirs. This helped us to get out of the fearful, clenching, spending less mentality which only engenders more fear. As the crisis continues, my prayer is that I and those I love will be able to remain right in the center of God - His will, His love, His compassion - so we can respond in a way that contributes to the good God is trying to do for us all.

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