Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm So Excited!

What a great move! Sarah Palin was a brilliant choice for Vice President. She's going to energize the Republicans, especially the pro-life base. I went to the McCain website and volunteered (I also sent emails to many of you - no, not you. You.) GO MCCAIN / PALIN!!!!!!!!!!! Here's a picture of her and her husband with her youngest. He was born in April (mom was 44). After finding he had Down's Syndrome during her pregnancy, her doctor recommended an abortion. She responded that every life has value. Also (but this isn't the ONLY reason I support her) - she HAS FIVE KIDS!


Lisa said...

I"m so excited! I just got done blogging about her........I'm going to call you right now.......waiting for you to pick did!

Lisa said...

Well I was just at a funeral for a freind's father and I met up with a professional women whom I know. We were sitting together and I know she's Catholic. She made the stamement of having to be home Wednseday night so she could see Obamaha" I said your kidding right? OH no she loves him! I said what about his abortion stand......of of course she thinks a women has a right to choose. I say that's against church teaching it's murder. She says the church doesn't teach can a professional women be so dumb? She sounds just like Nancy Polosi make up her own truth. Then she went on to slam Sara saying all her friends thinks she's an insult to women........and you know why? Because she only has her bacheleor's and according to them she hasn't work a day in her life?
I said she's a governor she says so what! I say but she's a mom of five with a down syndrom baby. How did women get to this point were they see succuss as working instead of mothering.....does any mom out there want to say being a mom isn't's the most important job out there! Please pray for this women!

Sarah said...

I hope it is okay to have some political discussion here. I realized what it was that made me so uncomfortable with his pick for VP. As woman, I would love to see a woman pres one day but it was insulting to see a woman (seemingly) picked as a politically "smart" move rather than herself as a politician. Is he riding the nation's general yearning for change? Or does he truly believe this woman is right for the job. I don't know...

Lisa said...

Sara, I think she fits his platform.....She is prolife and she won't put up with politcal corruption......she has cleaned up alot of things and has even gone after Big Oil because she's for the people which also means she wants to drill and has acually started a pipe line......All my coservative friends are as excited as me....I would not be excited of just any women...especially a women who thinks it's OK to slaugher innocent life in the womb and in Obamah's case thinks it's even ok to kill a baby after a failed me she's a person of integrity not someone who goes by opinion polls.

Pursued by Truth said...

Sigh. As a Catholic I cannot fully back either of our presidential candidates without serious pangs to my conscience. The Republicans fall seriously short in areas of the death penalty, health care, social justice and the environment and the Democrats' views on abortion and the integral role of family in our society are deeply troubling. I like McCain's pick of Sarah for VP. I think she sounds really wonderful. I also agree with Sarah that it was a political choice, but then why be surprised this is politics! I do not believe that McCain's views on abortion are strongly pro-life. The fact that he headlined Giuliani at the convention and his top two choices for VP (Ridge and Lieberman)were strongly pro-choice lead me to believe that he claims to be pro-life but his heart is not behind it. His choice of Sarah for VP shows that he is politically smart. And it will lead me to take a more serious look at both candidate to determine who, in good conscience, I can vote for. There is one thing I can guarantee - whoever I choose it will be with a heavy heart.

Jane said...

Thanks for our really good discussion tonight, Sarah and Theresa. We don't have a candidate. There isn't a pro-life, anti-death penalty, anti-unjust war candidate who will find creative ways to care for the poor. THAT's who we would vote for.

Lisa said...

I think Social Justice begins in the womb....if you don't have life you don't have anything else.
I don't see Capitalism as an Evil like the Democrats do. I don't see Govement as the one to solve the world's ills.....the more it get's involved the more we loose our rights. Socialism is take away from one person to give to another. Just like greed is a sin so is sloth......and as a Socail Worker I see so many people enslaved in the welfare system.....Welfare has replaced the dad! To me this is very immoral.....There are Conservative blacks who feel the same way. As a policticn it is so easy to promise programs and to spend other peoples's republicans who are more generous as a people and more religious according to the statistics....The Social Security system is bankrupt and I don't want them running Health we need a solution yes........but it is the free market not Goverment! It's only Jesus and changing of hearts and conversion that truly sets people free........the bigger the Goverment the bigger we are enlaved as a Nation....

God bless you Theresa and Sarah for being so conscious and taking all of this so seriously...we are so blessed to live in a Nation where we can debate......

Sarah said...

A free market has lead to the oppression of so many people. What is "free" in America has cost other nations, even our own workers dignity and lives. It has ceased to be free, and is now exploitative. The Gospel that I read, the message that is so clear in the bible is the "preferential option for the poor" I definitely see the worry with government gaining so much power, but the church has also taken positions against capitalism. Unfortunately food shelters and homes for the dying will not cure the root of the problems as beautiful and needed as they are. Why does social reform need to be coupled with the word "socialism." I agree, a world that condones murder of the most innocent does not hold much promise for social reform. But I am uncomfortable with the unacknowledged horrible social conditions and the 47 million people that are without health care because there is an issue that "trumps" it. Can we tackle both without putting labels such as conservative of liberal or socialist upon ourselves? I can only go back to the root of my deep urge and desire for social change, the bible and the teachings of Jesus which were/are truly radical and revolutionary.

Laura said...

Theresa-- I don't know if this is a good way to reach you or not, but I wanted to let you know some friends and I are going to see free opera in Golden Gate Park on Sunday afternoon (Sept 7) and was wondering if you wanted to come along. It'd be great to see you!

Lisa said...

Sara, I see how passionatley you feel and that's good! I have a favor to ask of you. You are bright and intelligent. Will you take a look at this from a diffirent perspective of a priest I really trust. Fr.Robert Sirico was a real radical in his day and he still is in a diffirent way. He is extremely intelligent and has a major in Economics. He was my spiritual director and married us. He started the Acton institute which is about promoting good business.Here is and idea of what they do:

The Mission of the Acton Institute is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles.
The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty is named after the great English historian, Lord John Acton (1834-1902). He is best known for his famous remark: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Inspired by his work on the relation between liberty and morality, the Acton Institute seeks to articulate a vision of society that is both free and virtuous, the end of which is human flourishing. To clarify this relationship, the Institute holds seminars and publishes various books, monographs, periodicals, and articles.

The Acton Institute organizes seminars aimed at educating religious leaders of all denominations, business executives, entrepreneurs, university professors, and academic researchers in economics principles, and in the connection that can exist between virtue and economic thinking. We exhort religious leaders to embrace the principles of economics as analytic tools in the consideration of economic issues that arise in their ministry, on the one hand, and, on the other, we exhort business executives and entrepreneurs, to integrate their faith more fully into their professional lives, to give of themselves more unselfishly in their communities, and to strive after higher standards of ethical conduct in their work. Our conferences are held primarily in the United States, but we also conduct some conferences in Europe and Latin America. More information on these seminars can be obtained at from Acton programs.

This is a type of reform that you will not here about in Universities because face it they lean to the left.....I don't know how not to say it without using a label. Anyway here is his web sight:

One other thing is the church teaches that the family is the Domestic can we survive as a nation if we promote policies the murder our young and undermine what marriage is?.. No party is other thing I like about Fr.Sicrio I had not idea he was political acually he's an independent because he only preached the Gospel's conversion of hearts that is needed.

Pursued by Truth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Sarah, I have another good sight that I would appreciated you looking at that's comes again from a diffirent angle:

Thanks Sarah

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ok guys....
i know i don't blog anymore but i do certainly read them, and this forum doesn't really seem appropriate for these type of discussions. maybe we could have conversations like this in person, but not on the wonderful family blogs! please!