God has been so good to me - beginning with blessing me with two wonderful parents. And four siblings who loved me. What fraction of the population can even say that? And then to have a wonderful marriage puts me in a smaller fraction and to have amazing kids who love me and love each other - an even smaller fraction. Thank you, Lord for the gift of life.
Happy Birthday Little Sister!
I think that both of our families are equally blessed.
Mike drove down to Oregon and had a nice visit with David a couple weeks ago.
Have a Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday Jane! I hope you got my Birthday card.....You are such a wonderful person and an even better friend! It was 17 years ago on your Birthday that I started the morning out with having breakfast with you and Glorie and then returning to Michigan.......Independence day from the Community!
Thanks you little sweethearts! I didn't even know you read my blog, Jim! David really enjoyed Michael's visit.
Lisa I did get your card - thanks so much!
Love you!
Jane SCHMANE - your birthday is all of our favorite holiday! Remember Dad used to tell you that the City of Saginaw had that beautiful fireworks display at Hoyt Park just for YOU and of course you believed him. We used to have your birthday celebration and then Aunt Dorothy would drive Dad down to park the car close so we wouldn't have to go far when it was time to go home. Then that evening we would walk to the park and sit on the hills to watch the display. It was so much fun. Remember the chocolate mountain cake that Grandma Shea made you every year. YUM! Love you - ME
Hi Mrs. Noble! I hope it's okay for me to list you as a reference while I'm looking for an apartment in San Francisco. It's starting to turn into a huge ordeal! Let me know if you would rather I didn't use you as a reference. --Laura
OF COURSE you can use me as a reference. Any time for anything. But then again, you might want to check with your dad about the wisdom of that. He used me as a reference for his security investigation and they asked if he hung out with Russians :) Well, what could I say but the truth??? Oh well, he still has his job, so I guess I'm a safe bet.
MESC - Thanks for the memories!!!
Mom! write for heavens sake!!!!
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