In an interview this week with Katie Couric, President Obama said he would "rather not wade into" the issue of whether or not health care reform should include federal funding for abortions. He said he is trying not "to micro-manage what benefits are covered."
Please join me in contacting your Senators and Congressman to ask them to ensure that health care reform does not include federal funding for abortion. I am blessed to have two senators and a congressman who are pro-life, but I still wrote them in order to add to the flood of letters that are going out after the inter-denominational Stop the Abortion Mandate telephone conference tonight. I'm on the line right now - one of 36,000 callers!
Click here.
1 comment:
Jane, not only does he want abourtion but he has talked about rationing health care for the elderly. Even with those who just have dementia. The more word gets out about what this bill covers the more the American people are oposed to it. Thay is why he was trying to rush it through congress....even though he admitted he hadn't even read the bill. Not only that He promised that all bills would be put on line for 5 days for the public to read before they were voted on! Just one of his many broken promises! I don't want the goverment telling me what I can and can't have medically! Her is al little piece from the an articl but I'll give the sigth for the rest of it.
In addition to the abortion mandate, leaders pointed to another danger to human life embedded in the bill: healthcare rationing. Kristan Hawkins, the leader of Students for Life, discussed the implications of the healthcare bill for her 5-month-old son Gunner, who has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Hawkins pointed to a May 3 interview with the New York Times in which Obama advocated "an independent group that can give you guidance" to ration healthcare away from those who are chronically ill or elderly, who otherwise could take up too large a portion of the government plan’s funds.
"Obama admits that healthcare is going to be rationed for people like my son, who require extensive medical treatments and drugs to stay alive, because he is less valued," said Hawkins. "This is a pro-life issue." http://catholicexchange.com/2009/07/25/120729/
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