Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm Getting Better!

Look at this! Only 2 months between blog entries!!!

Actually, Theresa is inspiring me. I have her blog up every day as a tab on my Firefox so I can remember to look at it (and remember where it is!). I've found her entries vvveerrrryyy interesting. Quite an amazing kid, ain't she?

I was getting stressed here at work and I said to myself, "Self, relax. Instead of yet one more time shoving lunch down and getting back to work, take a break." And look - this is what I found. I would say I'm going to do this more often, but I think there's a pretty darn good chance that my next log-in will be in December. So - no promises, one day at a time...

Four of the five kiddos will be home as of tomorrow and I CAN'T WAIT. I'm going to take Friday off and we will go garage saling and generally have a wonderful girls time out.

I read Monica Madden's blog yesterday and was delighted. Those Madden kids are amazing. It's a good thing they have the same mix of 4 girls and 1 boy or our family's kids might have married and taken over the world :) It was so fun to read Pam and John's entries. Next time I will enter one myself, now that I know my new sign-in.

Liz and I had a great, long talk last night, curled up on easy chairs at my favorite coffee spot - Nordaggio's. I love that place.

Well, enough for now. See you in December!

1 comment:

M said...

Greetings Mrs. Noble!
I was reading Theresa's blog the other day, and saw the link to yours, so...firstly, happy [belated] birthday. I remember celebrating it with you the year my Mom and I visited Tulsa, thinking how cool it was that you would always have fireworks (and yummy food) on your day. I hope it was a blessed one this year. Also, it amused me to no end reading your thoughts on the idea of Madden-Noble marriage(s). Long ago I thought somebody, or two somebody's rather, from our families really should get married, and as I was sure none of your girls would want to marry my brother, I figured I would just have to bite the figurative bullet and marry David. Oh, the way 2nd grade minds work...hope you all are doing well. :)
