Saturday, January 14, 2012

Silent No More

Such a nice relaxing day! I pretty much gave myself the day off. It started with our scheduled time at St. John's adoration, followed by Mass, then Sarah and I went to a pro-life breakfast at St. Madelene's where we saw old friends and met new ones. We heard Georgette Fornay speak who founded the Silent No More organization - the group behind the "I Regret My Abortion" signs that can be seen at rallies. I remember when abortion was being sold to the nation (literally - did you know that Hugh Hefner funded the lower court costs for Roe v. Wade? Sex without consequences is imperative for the Playboy philosophy to work.). The promise was that child abuse would decrease since every child would be a wanted child. Here are the national Child Abuse Report statistics since 1976 (Roe v. Wade was decided in 73):
In case you're wondering if it was reporting that increased and not the abuse, here are the statistics for the number of child deaths per day due to child abuse or neglect going back to 1995.
So could it be possible that "every child being a wanted child" was outweighed by the effect abortion had on how we view our "ownership" of that small life? If I am able to make a decision to terminate my pregnancy, what does that, on a deep level, tell me about my power over that life? Once born, do I suddenly view my power differently just because the law says I should?

Sunday, January 08, 2012

I Love Families

I love everything about families (OK, almost). It was one of God's most creative and sweet ideas. Here's a site with 50 outstanding family photos. Some of my favorites: