Tuesday, September 23, 2008

40 Days For Life

I just came back from a rally with about 200 people on a vacant lot across from Tulsa's Planned Parenthood. The Diocese bought the lot and there will be people praying there around the clock for 40 days. I'm looking forward to spending time there. It felt great to be surrounded by people who support something I feel so passionately about.

Anyway, whether or not your city has joined the 40 Days for Life campaign, please join me if you are of the mind to in praying for the women and children who have and will be damaged by this hateful practice.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Argentina March

A group of young adults in Argentina protect the Cathedral from protesters marching past as a part of a Pro-Abortion Rally. Really interesting and disturbing.

I love you guys, but I'm going to limit comments for awhile so I don't worry about starting a firestorm with my blog posts.