Monday, December 05, 2005

Five Months Later...

What does it say about me that I totally forgot I even had a blog??!! Oh well, what does it say about the blog that the only comments were from blog-spammers (that's my term for them - didn't even know they existed until today).

I am a reluctant blogger. I don't really like the idea (thus 5 months between entries) because... I don't know, I guess I wonder why anyone would want to read my ramblings. But then I decided (and decided again today) that I want to get more motivated to get my thoughts on paper. And this is a great format for that. And besides, the only people who read the last entry were trying to sell me Viagra!

I saw the first half of the Pope John Paul II bio last night and found it captivating. I thought the acting was superb and the story-line close to reality. I had been afraid that it would be critical of his non-politically correct stands - something the ABC version did. We'll see how Wednesday's goes. Unfortunately, not too many people watched (

Well, back to work. See you later Viagra-toters!